Our Vision

Transformed Lives. Renewed Communities. 

As a church, we believe that our chief responsibility is to glorify God, present the church mature in Christ, and bring hope to the lost. The way any of this gets accomplished is through the power of God. Since we are convinced that it is God's power that ultimately accomplishes these responsibilities, we are committed to being a church that upholds the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is God's power working through the proclamation of the gospel that transforms lives and renews communities.  

Transformed Lives

The Bible teaches that we are dead in the trespasses of our sins. That means that our problem isn't that we aren't good enough to go to heaven, but our problem is that we are not good at all. Nobody seeks or desires God; we are all happy and content worshipping fleeting things. Since this is our condition, the Bible is clear, we deserve God's wrath and Hell for eternity. But while we were still God's enemies, God shows us that he loves us first. In love, God provided a way for sinners to be saved through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  At Grace, part of our vision statement is, "Transformed Lives" because we believe that we need to be made new. God transforms our hearts of stone through the clear gospel message.

Renewed Communities

The Bible also teaches us that once we have been transformed we become a part of God's global mission to reach the unbelieving world. To bring the gospel message to the ends of the earth. At Grace, part of our vision statement is, "Renewed Communities" because we desire to see the communities that God in His sovereignty has placed us in filled with people who pursue loving the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. And so, we proclaim, display, and defend the gospel message in our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, homes, and around the world; so that God would be glorified and the unbelievers might place their faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.